Some Job Focused Online Training Is Invaluable

The world of electronics and how they rule our lives cannot be underestimated.  Nothing in our daily actions is done without an electronic input somewhere along the way.  Our electricity to run the boiler for water and heat, the kettle for that first cuppa, the toaster or microwave.  From the very basics, someone has needed to be trainied to programme the systems that allow us to function.  Behind that is the need for the trainers to be trained in educating the folk who run the systems in the first place.   Every workforce has mandatory e-training corses and some prove more worthwhile and interesting than others.  When I was stationed in a government office some years ago, there was always resistance to the newly developed e-training.   If we didn’t log on and complete the regular assignments, our line manager was notified and a polite reminding email would be received.  Some courses were very informative and the contents have remained with me to this day.